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HomeRide Guidelines

Ride Guidelines and Details

Calendar Listings
, each ride is listed separately on the ride calendar. In cases where a number of different speed groups are assembling at the same location, we group the different speed groups/rides under the same “Multigroup Ride”heading and information on the individual rides is obtained by clicking on this heading.

Ride Speed
SMBC rides vary from 10 mph to over 20 mph. The speed range for each ride is listed on the SMBC ride Calendar.

, slower speed rides (up to 16 mph) only are led by the ride leader and do not practice rotating lead riders. Rides averaging more than 16 mph use rotating pacelines. In a rotating paceline, each rider moves forward in the line when the lead rider rotates off the front and drops to the rear. These rides are only for experienced riders who are comfortable in a paceline.

Length of Rides
Slower speed groups are normally 2 hours long and will average in the mid-twenties in mileage. Faster speed groups (16mph and up) are normally a little over 2 hours long and will average in the mid-thirties in mileage.

The ride leader for each speed group establishes the ride route. Some ride leaders use the same route on each ride while others may vary the route or have a number of different routes. A link showing the route is included in some ride announcements.